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WeekNotes for 2024 Week 50: Reflections

7 minute read

Weeknotes are where I share what I’m working on / thinking about this week and a few things to share without worrying too much about the ideas being fully...

Weeknotes for 2024-06: February 5

2 minute read

Weeknotes are meant to be quick, off-the-cuff reflections on whats happening this week, with a focus on projects and how they are moving forward.

Weeknotes for 2024-01: January 1-7

4 minute read

_Weeknotes are meant to be quick, off-the-cuff reflections on whats happening this week, with a focus on projects and how they are moving forward._

WeekNotes for Week 48

4 minute read

Writing this early on a Monday morning. It’s still dark outside but there’s no snow yet in Kamloops. That feels weird to me, but it’s also starting to feel n...

Weekly Review 2: April 10-16, 2023

2 minute read

Last week was the first British Columbia Library Conference I’ve attended since 2013, right after I graduated from the UBC iSchool and started my first profe...

Weekly Review 1: March 27-April 9, 2023

8 minute read

It’s Easter Sunday and I should be driving to Vancouver to spend two days with family but instead I’m at home on antibiotics. Two weeks ago I had two bridges...

Links/Sprouts February 19 - March 26, 2023

10 minute read

It’s spring here now and the valley is mostly free of snow. It’s shoulder season and the hills are still icy and the trails muddy. I can wear a light jacket ...

Links: Jan 17-Feb 18, 2023

6 minute read

I am going to try occasionally sharing a roundups of things I’ve been reading. I always enjoy the serendipity of skimming other people’s link roundups, and i...

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Autonomy vs Agency

4 minute read

Autonomy has been baked into the Makerspace’s pedagogies and values from the start. For example, “Interest-based learning and autonomy” is one of our core pe...

Academic Librarianship in the Chthulucene

4 minute read

“Our task is to make trouble, to stir up potent response to devastating events, as well as to settle troubled waters and rebuild quiet places” (Haraway, 2...

Minimalist Making

2 minute read

Minimalist making is an idea I’m adapting from Danica Savonick’s concept of “Minimalist Digital Humanities” that builds on the idea of frugal innovation and ...

Academic Services as Theatre Productions

2 minute read

“The usual hero adventure begins with someone from whom something has been taken, or who feels there is something lacking in the normal experience availab...

#PKM and the Ego Tunnel

3 minute read

Okay, fuck it. Let’s start weird. My first actual “let’s write every day and blog a lot of thoughts that are half-baked as a learning in public experiment” p...

Books I Read in 2022

29 minute read

This started out as a quick list of books I read in 2022. I have notes because I read almost everything on an ereader and highlight and all that gets auto du...

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Autonomy vs Agency

4 minute read

Autonomy has been baked into the Makerspace’s pedagogies and values from the start. For example, “Interest-based learning and autonomy” is one of our core pe...

Three Challenges for Makerspace Users

4 minute read

I give a talk when classes and other groups visit the Makerspace that is meant to explain what we are, how we can be used, and hopefully makes them feel welc...

Minimalist Making

2 minute read

Minimalist making is an idea I’m adapting from Danica Savonick’s concept of “Minimalist Digital Humanities” that builds on the idea of frugal innovation and ...

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Wilding Makerspaces

Academic Librarianship in the Chthulucene

4 minute read

“Our task is to make trouble, to stir up potent response to devastating events, as well as to settle troubled waters and rebuild quiet places” (Haraway, 2...

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